
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Welcome back to Ha! It's a Podcast! That's right folks, BOO! It's a Podcast is officially over and we are back to the regular form. Join us this week as we catch you up on some of the things that have been going on in our life while runing the Halloween specials! We also discuss video games, movies, and a bunch more topics! You don't want to miss this! You know what has been really hitting the spot lately? Wendy's. They have been so on point lately between their breakfast and just the overall quality of their food has been so good lately. Hands down best food place don't come at me! As always if you made it this far, go follow us on Facebook and Twittter @HaItsaPodcast

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Welcome everyone to the final episode of BOO! It's a Podcast! Join us on our special Halloween episode to really send off this minth of extravagent and spooky shenanigans that we have discussed all month! We hope that you all enjoy this as much as we did! Hey, you should totally fill us in on some of your favorite candies and costumes on our Facebook and Twitter!! Go check it out @HaItsaPodcast!

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
It's another episode of BOO! It's a Podcast and boy do we have a good one for you all! Join us as we discuss villains across all forms of media! From movies, to video games, to tv shows, this episode is sure to give you a scare or two if you are afraid of villainry that is! MWAHAHAHA! You know, one time I was on a train and it was my first time on the train without my mom when I was young and I swear to you I saw a coffin in the middle of a vacant lot with a body in it!! That scared the absolute out of me! Moral of story, don't peep out the window on a train! Anyway if you made it this far as always, go follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Welcome, welcome everyone to another episode of Boo! It's a Podcast! This week we brought back our good friend Tim as we try to discuss horror movies! I say try because, like in true Ha! It's a Podcast fashion, we derail from the topic a lot. With that said we know you will enjoy the episode nonetheless as there are a lot of entertaining moments! tune in and find out! Another fun fact, did you know the Mike Myers mask in the first Halloween movie is a mask of Bill Shatner as Captain Kirk? its totally just painted white with the hair changed to a different color, and the eyes widened. You can actually see a quick snippet of the Captain Kirk mask in Halloween IV for a scene! As always be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast!

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
In our first official episode of BOO! It's a Podcast, we gather around a crackling fire as we tell you a whole heap of urban legends! Okay you got us, there is no fire, but we do tell stories! We also discuss ghost stories, unsolved murders, and discuss the Mandela Effect! Turn off all the lights, get to the darkest corner of your room, and grab your nightlight because this spooky episode is sure to get you in the Halloween spirit! Fun fact, while filming Jurassic Park, the T-Rex animatronic would actually turn on in the middle of the night while the crew was sleeping! Imagine how horrifying that must be to wake up and just see a life size, realistic T-Rex just moving around! I'd be out of there in a flash! As always, if you made it this far, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast.

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Welcome everyone to the unofficial first episode of Boo! It's a Podcast! We have a ton of stuff lined up for the month of October but for now we weren't prepared so you have to deal with us talking about video games and our usual stuff this week. But look forward to whats to come this month and we hope you enjoy this episode! Fun fact, Malik was born ith twelve fingers and twelve toes!! Isn't that crazy!? As always if you made it this far go follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
On today's episode of the show Malik is back and takes Tyler by surprise!! The guys discuss Tattoos, Horror Movies, TV Shows, and you guessed it more Star Wars! Absolutely no beats were skipped on this one and you surely do not want to miss it! Huh, that's odd, normally I have something to put here as an Easter Egg but I got nothing right now. Unless this is the Easter Egg!? Bum Bum BUM!! Beat that M. Night Shyamalan!! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @Haitsapodcast!

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
20 episodes babyyyyyy! Join Adam and Tyler as they welcome Tim Crail as their special guest on the episode! Topics include, Wrestling, Spider-man, Memes, Youtube, Tv Shows, and a bunch of stories! This is an episode you can not miss! Thank you everyone for listening to us for 20 episodes! We hit a new milestone with this one and we are excited to bring you along in many more milestones as this show goes on! We couldnt do this without you tuning in and listening to two dudes go on about random subjects and we look forward to the many roads ahead! This one is for all of you! Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
We have once again returned after a 2 week hiatus and we've got great show for you on this one! In this episode we discuss Malik's vacation to Disney World, what we've been up to for 2 weeks, movies, tv shows, and a forgetton piece of Austrailian history! Rev up those listening holes because we've got a of show to satiate that comedy hunger! That was awful I'm sorry. While I have you here, you ever fall asleep on your arm for so long that your arm gies completely numb? I've legitimately had nights where I had to move my arm using my other arm because it went numb and one time i hit myself in the face it was terrible! Anyway lets move on. As always if you made it this far be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and enjoy the show!!

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
What's up everyone!! A bit of a later in the week episode but to those of you listening to all of these at a later date it won't even matter! Join us this episode as we forget a lot of the things we thought to talk about but somehow manage to pull through! Topics include Brendan Fraser, Star Wars, Jackass, Marvel, Movies, and much much more!! You ever hear of a game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? It's a parlor game where you can link any actor or actress to Kevin Bacon in 6 steps because he's just been in that many movies! Look it up and try it for yourselves or make up your own version and just link actors and actresses together it's fun! Anyway time to go again, enjoy the show and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!