
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Welcome back everyone to another episode of Ha! Its a Podcast! We have a double whammy super hero content for you this week as we discuss Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Join us as we discuss this madness as well as other topics such as tv shows, books, comics, memories that we have, and so much more. By the all seeing Eye of Agamotto and by the Sands of Vishanti, we know you will enjoy this one! Did I really just say that like Dr. Strange!? God, I need to go out more. Touch some grass why don't you Tyler!! Theres a whole big world out there and you're stuck in a room!! I genuinely don't know where that came from but listen, if you made it this far as always, go follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast. You can also follow us on Tiktok @the_jedi_smark and @datbotguy

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
[Insert generic podcast description that no one reads here]. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast. Follow Malik on tiktok @the_jedi_smark and follow Tyler @datbotguy.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
AHEM! WE"RE BAAAAACK! Thats right everyone, after a two week hiatus your two beloved podcast hosts are back! Join us this week as we discuss the things we have been up too these past few weeks, spiral the conversation out of control, and add in some of the chaos you all love! Topics include, Star Wars, Jurassic World, Thor: Love and Thunder, video games, and so much more! You'd be a fool to miss an episode this jam packed! Welp, here we are, the last portion of the description where I try to put in something funny. I'd like to say you expect but the reality is nobody reads this. Which is why I'm going to type the first word that coes to mind.................skirmpf. There you go. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast. Follow Malik on Tiktok @the_jedi_smark and follow Tyler @datbotguy.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
AYE!!! Welcome back everyone to another episode of Ha! It's a Podcast. This episode we see a return to form in terms of raunchy comedy as the jokes come out full throttle and the topics of discussion are all over the place in true Ha! It's a Podcast fashion! Not gonna lie to you all, I'm gonna keep this description brief because I am very tired but you all know what to do. Listen to the episode, laugh, tell us how great we are, and don't follow our social media like I ask you too every week. I kid of course, we love all of you! Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast. Follow Malik on Tiktok @the_jedi_smark and follow Tyler there as well @datbotguy

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
*Queue MCU intro theme* Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Ha! It's a Podcast! We're going back to basics as we come off of episode 42 and we discuss a lot of Marvel with a bit of Star Wars and just a hint of DC (because we discussed so much DC in the last episode). Tyler also gushes waaay to much about Moon Knight in, hopefully, the best possible way! Tune in and you will see! Yet another great episode to add to the history books for sure! I dont know what I'm saying anymore. Why do I even type these out? nobody reads them. I could say some really badon here but I'm not going too because thats not me. This is Tyler by the way. Anyway, as always if you made it this far go follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast, Go follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler on Tiktok @datbotguy!

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Welcome everyone to a massive 2 hour episode filled with multiple guests! That's right everybody, this week we bring on not one, not two, but three guests this week! They are Darthchoco, Starwarslawyer, and Ms. Eggy! Join all of us as we discuss Dragon Ball Z and Super, Peacemaker, and of course The Batman! This is certainly an episode you do not want to miss! Also, real note, you're going to love these reviews and opinions. These three people are so smart and so passionate about what they watched that it really makes you want to go out and see The Batman, and if you already saw it you're going to want to go see it again with a whole new perspective. Show these three some love and give them a follow on their socials. They totally deserve it! Also if you made it this far be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook @HaItsaPodcast and be sure to follow Tyler and Malik on Tiktok @Datbotguy and @The_jedi_smark!

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Welcome everyone to a very special episode of Ha! It's a Podcast! Don't know why it's special? Read the title because it is our one year anniversary! That's right everyone, our first episode of the podcast was uploaded March 7th of 2021! Sure, we're a day late but hey, it follows true Ha! It's a Podcast fashion! Join us as we discuss some of our favorite moments of the show, discuss intros, give a little insight how we came up with ideas for the show, and so much more! We also discuss It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, OG Youtube, and more things going on in our lives. This is usually the part where I make a joke but I want to take this time once again to thank you all for tuning in and listening to us every week. Words cannot express how grateful we are and here is to another year! Also be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Welcome back to another episode of Ha! It's a Podcast everyone! In this weeks episode we dicuss new things happening in our lives, movies, events, concerts, and self care. Tyler also forgets the theme to his own show so this is definitely one you do not want to miss. Etch this epsiode in the history books because we are back to our usual nonsense! I don't even know what I'm talking about at this point to be honest. It's late, I'm tired, and I just want to lay down and watch Digimon. Is that too much to ask for anymore!? The answer is no, it's not enough! Again no clue what I'm saying but as always if you made it this far be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Welcome back to the norm everyone! Thats right, Malik is back and boy do have an episode for you! This week we start off talking about our usual subjects and go full force into some very deep Star Wars discussions. Its enough discussion to get you through that long desert haul on your Bantha through Tatooine! That was dumb, I know. But anyway, we know all of you Star Wars fans are gonna enjoy this one for sure! So buckle into your starship, prepare your 3 page thesis on why our opinions are wrong, and get ready to jump to lightspeed as we take you across a galaxy far far away! I gotta say I'm glad they call it Mustafar and not Mustaclose am I right!? AHHHH WACKA WACKA!! I don't know its late cut me some slack. As always if you made it this far go follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Welcome back everyone! After taking a week off we are back with another episode for your listening pleasure! In this episode, we try something a little different then usual and we have a solo episode! That's right folks, Malik couldn't be on this episode so Tyler took it upon himself to to keep the show going! Join him as he continuously talks nonsense about life, tv shows, trys horribly to do impressions, and gets a little deep here and there. This one is certainly that should not be missed and I promise this is not Tyler just being biased while typing a description! Did you know that they call it a pair of pants because back in the olden days, you used to have to buy the front half of your pants and the back half of your pants and sew them together at the seam? well, now you know and as always if you made it this far go follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast!