
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Welcome one and all to another long awaited episode of Ha! It's a Podcast! That's right, we are back once again after surviving depression and covid to bring you a wild episode full of laughs and intrigue. Join us as we discuss movies, Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons, Share life updates, and even discuss the Amish community!? Don't understand? Guess you will have to watch the episode and find out!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast and on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy!

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Yo yo yo yo! welcome back to another episode of Ha! It's a Podcast! This week we don't have any sort of special guest. That's right you're stuck with Tyler and Malik. Join us as we discuss a whole heaping helping of different topics! Look, it's late and I'm really just kind of phoning it in here. Stop reading my dumb nonsense and listen to the episode!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast and on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy!

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
What's up everyone! We are back with another episode of Ha! It's a Podcast! Join us this week as we bring back our HAlumni Brandon Ford and discuss his brand new EP under the name Honey Box. Trust me when I say this is an episode you don't want to miss! If you do miss it, then suffer my wrath! Then again you probably won't see this because you didn't listen to the episode. Boy, I did not think this one through did I? Ah well!
You can check out Brandon's EP wherever you get your music! Just search the name Honey Box and be sure to check out his Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok under the same name!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast and on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy!

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Welcome back everyone to another episode of Ha! It's a Podcast! Join Malik and Tyler this week as we discuss our holidays, wrestling, Star Wars, Evil Dead, Boy Meets World, and so much more! We know you will enjoy this one audio issues and all!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast and on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy!

Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Merry Christmas everyone and welcome back to another episode of HO! HO! HO! It's a Podcast! Join Malik and Tyler and gather around the fireplace with a nice cup of hot chocolate as we bring you the second yule log special! Just like last year we hope that it brings you all Christmas joy and a warm feeling in your soul! Merry Christmas from Ha! It's a Podcast and we hope you have a wonderful day!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast and on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy!

Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Deck the halls and let it snow, we are back with another episode of HO! HO! HO! It's a Podcast! Malik unfortunately could not make it this episode because he contracted the vid but that doesn't stop Tyler from spreading Christmas cheer and joy to all of you listeners out there! Join Tyler as he welcomes back Adam and Kevin for a fun filled epiosde turning Christianity into a TV show, discussing Christmas movies, sharing Christmas stories, and so much more! So get those earholes ready and open up those stockings because boy do we a gift for you! , why is it so much easier to make Christmas based descriptions of episode then it is making normal descriptions for this show? One of life's unsolved mysteries am I right!? You have no idea what I mean, you don't type these out what am I saying!?
As always if you made it this far, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast. Follow us on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Thirdratenerds on twitch at Twitch.tv/thirdratenerds and on TikTok @thirdratenerds. Follow Clancy on TikTok @free__shavacado and lastly, follow Malik and Tyler on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and @datbotguy!

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Seasons greetings everyone, and welcome back to another episode of HO HO HO! It's a Podcast! Malik and Tyler are back after a week break and we are ready to provide you with much of the same content we usually give you! Who could ask for a better gift!? Join us as we discuss A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story Christmas, wrestling, Power Rangers, some of our favorite toys we've gotten for Christmas as a kid, and so much more! Another great episode for the books I'd say! Normally I put something not clever and unintelligent here, but I can't think of anything and I just got done watching Home Alone 2 so, Merry Christmas you filthy animals! And a Happy New Year! As always if you've made it this far be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast. Follow us on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Happy Holidays everyone and welcome back to another year of HO! HO! HO! It's a Podcast! That's right, we may have taken a month break but we couldn't miss out on the most wonderful time of the year, or so they say that's not my opinion. Join Malik and Tyler as they discuss absolutely nothing about christmas but instead talk about the show, ramble on about nonsense, and share lots of laughs because they recorded the episode late at night! Also find out the shocking revelation Malik has, I'm not going to tell you so you'll have to listen and find out! This is truly an episode that'll get us on the nice list! Let's be real though, it'll most likely get us put on the naughty list, if not the worst list Santa could make ever. But again I ramble on. As always if you made it this far be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast, Follow us on TikTok @haitsapodcast, follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark, and Tyler@datbotguy!

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Hello and welcome back all you ghouls, ghoulettes, and those from beyond the grave! Malik and Tyler are proud to bring you another Halloween special this year with a little treat added in! That's right we are back with our final installment of BOO! It's aPodcast this year to tell you all more urban legends, myths, and ghost stories! You all seemed to enjoy it last year so we decided to bring it back for your listening pleasure! This episode is sure to put you right into the Halloween spirit! Happy Halloween from both of us at Ha! It's a Podcast and we hope you all enjoy it! Now go get some candy, give out candy, scare some people, watch some horror movies, however you choose to celebrate and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @ HaItsaPodcast. Follow us on Tiktok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark, and Tyler @datbotguy!

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Welcome ghouls, ghoulletes, and those from beyond the grave to another episode of BOO! It's a Podcast. Join your two favorite hosts of the night as we take you on a haunted journey through some of our favorite villains from video games, movies, and tv shows! We also discuss more horrifying topics and Tyler tells the world his ghost story! You will certainly get chills and maybe even scream a bit from this one! MWAHAHAHA! *cough* *hack* *cough* Ack, Malik! I need a lozenge! HELP! Wait, Malik isnt here with me, and I'm typing all this how the did I hurt my throat!? Great, now my throat actually feels soar because I'm thinking to much into this. As always, if you made it this far be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter @HaItsaPodcast. Follow us on TikTok @haitsapodcast. Follow Malik on TikTok @the_jedi_smark and Tyler @datbotguy!